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2 April, 2013

Small Paper Shopping Bags as Your Billboard

These Small Paper Shopping Bags come sized 13cms wide by 20.5cms high. They are made of white kraft paper, which make them durable and last long. The feature of long twisted paper handles make them easy to carry.

For some small corporations who have a tight budget and want to promote their brands more effectively, these Small Paper Shopping Bags is one perfect option. They cost a little but their promotional potential cannot be underestimated. Have you ever seen people carrying a shopping bag, on which a company name and logo are printed? Although you simply have a glance at it, you remember that on the bag. That means the promotional goal of the certain company is achieved. The white color makes the bags eye-catching, and the printing on them will be more outstanding. Now you can consider about this question: what to print on your promotional bags? Your company name, of course. But besides that, you can also have your logo or corporate slogan printed on. If you want to advertise your new products, it is a good idea to show their pictures on the bags. What’s the most important, make sure do not forget your company contact number, which makes you accessible for those potential customers.

Need more information on the Small Paper Shopping Bags, please feel free to contact us.

The PromotionsOnly Team