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5 September, 2022

5 Ways to Use Promotional Face Masks to Boost Your Brand

Promotional face masks are an excellent way to promote your brand, and with the help of these five tips, you can use them to your advantage.

What do you think? Have you ever used promotional face masks in your business? Do you have any other tips to share with other marketers? Let us get started:

1. You can give away your product samples
Free samples can be a great tool for boosting awareness, engagement, and sales. Giving out freebies is one of the oldest marketing tricks in the book. In fact, it’s been used by big brands to help sell more products faster. If you have a new brand or want to boost sales, consider offering promotional face masks at festivals and other events. People will love getting something free, and you’ll find that they quickly spread the word about your business.

2. You can inspire social engagement
Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, a face mask is a great way to engage your fans. Posting selfies with a branded face mask on social media is highly effective—92% of consumers would be more likely to engage with a brand if they receive discounts and offers. Start posting fun pictures on Facebook and Instagram for promotional opportunities with your clients. As long as you stay true to your brand image, it’s likely that you will see success in no time.

3. They make great branded giveaways
Face masks give your brand a fun way to interact with clients and customers and create great opportunities for your business to gain visibility. You can get people excited about your brand at events and conventions by handing out branded face masks.

You can also give them away at select retail stores that carry your products, which will help get them in front of more potential customers. The great thing about promotional face masks is that they’re useful. In fact, seeing someone wearing one of your branded face masks is a sure-fire reminder of your company even when it’s not there.

4. Branded Masks are fun
Custom printed promotional face masks are a great way to get your brand out. People are increasingly wearing them, from sports fans with team-specific jerseys to superhero costumes at children’s birthday parties. Since they're so popular and readily available, these masks make a fun addition to your next promotion. 

5. Creating custom faces with your brand name
Of course, you could slap your logo on a paper mask and pass it out at an event. But why not try something more interesting? What about creating a face mask featuring your logo that actually fits? In any case, these masks are unique and memorable—you're likely to be remembered by anyone who wears one of them.

If you’re looking for ways to connect with your customers and build goodwill, face masks are a fun and affordable way. Whether you’re trying to promote a new product, drive repeat business or get people talking about your brand, promotional face masks can help. They’re great at building interest among potential customers while driving loyalty among existing ones.

The PromotionsOnly Team