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23 June, 2012

Corporate Solar Desk Clock Rocks

Do your customers have corporate solar desk clocks on their desks? If not, it is the best chance ever for you to leave a deep impression! As the new generation is turning to the sun for energy, such a clock is a brilliant idea to show how well your company can combine clean energy and fashion. It also shows how much effort you put into choosing and designing a gift for your customers.

With a solar penal on the top, our corporate solar desk clocks not only tick, but also rock! Users do not need any battery or recharging it with a cable, instead, the only they need to do it to put it in a place where it is bright. The clock will do the rest. The time it tells has proven to be very reliable. These corporate solar desk clocks come in a stylish white finish that can go perfectly well with your logo or slogan, which can be printed through the pad. Stylish and practical, these clocks are meant to tick, but bound to rock.

The PromotionsOnly Team